Monday, April 03, 2006

Watch the Sunrise from the bottom of the Sea

So, okay, I just watched the movie Crash. So, obviously, this post is going to be about racism.

I don't understand the tension, seriously. I don't understand the stereotypes, the lies that supposedly ring true to a lot of people. For instance, that black people don't like country. Sure, I've never met one but I really do not doubt there are those out there who do. Our Asians that can drive. I am the living antithesis of this statement. I can't drive, I must be Asian. It's such bullshit that we have to suffer through. No one likes no one. And tension can become hyperbolic on screen, but the truth is that everyone hates everyone. We all have those intrinsic biases, don't we? I mean, think about it. What is the first thing when I say "immigrant?" Korean? Thai? Chinese? Fillipino? No. You, me, we, think Mexican. Because that's more prominent. And all Mexicans, then, must be immigrants. 11-12 million of them are illegal. Grant them amnesty! The race of Honkies that settled upon this land so long ago were illegal immigrants. And what did the Native Americans do? They taught us how to grow corn. So what did we do? We killed them. And then put the purpetrator on our $20 bill. What the fuck? And we say we have any right to keep these people out? They have every right to take on this land as we did then.

Oh but Evan the times have changed. Have they really? The World's a Little Warmer but no one ever changes. Nothing ever changes except for scenery arrangements. It took a war to gain this land from the Mexicans and I'm supposed to say no to them trying to reclaim the land that once was theres?

This is why I am a racist. Because white people suck. I am racist against the white people that think the Confederate flag is a symbol of Heritage. I am racist against the pseudo-all-American that will "never forget" and is thus hating upon those that are even remotely Arab. "Since when did Persian become Arab?"

It's absurd.

I understand that Racism is a touchy subject, but I know that I'm a cracker. I know that I'm a honky. I know that we are human. I know that we all have introspective lenses. So look within yourself and wonder what you've done to create this problem. And what you can do to fix it. Paul Haggis made a movie. What are you going to do about it?