Friday, February 29, 2008

Everywhere I go.

Sick again. I went and saw the health clinic on campus yesterday, turns out I've got the flu. Whoopee! So they gave me some double strength Aleve or something and I've been taking that. Shivering and waking up with everything all damp from sweat and everything.

Otherwise, things have been going pretty well, I'd say. Went home last weekend, staying here this weekend, obviously.

Classes have continued to be interesting. I'm working on an essay comparing Christ and Krishna in their respective religions and hows Hindus and Christians view incarnation and the avatar (not the little picture on forums, silly). Should be fun, though I should probably start reading up on Krishna soon since the prospectus is due the thursday before spring break.

Anywho, I'm gonna crawl back into bed and sleep the day away, hoping to feel better.

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