Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Just a Great Fucking Day.

I'm 2\5ths done with my finals. And, suddenly, they seem manageable.

My Behavioral Bio final was easy as pie for the most part, and I got most of the extra credit questions right so I'm pretty much set on a solid grade in that class.

My World Religions final was a joke. Hell, the class itself was a fucking joke. I'm glad it's over. I'll probably escape with a C. Whatever, I'm done studying religion.

But the best parts of the day were as such: Finding half a pack of cigarettes in the room where I had my first final... Just sitting on the table... Awesome.

Finding Jailbird by Kurt Vonnegut. Awesome.

Finding a lid for my Brita filter while rummaging through the shit people are donating. Awesome.

Today has been good. Tomorrow should be easy except for the bits of studying I still have to do for Hinduism and Geology. But tomorrow is just Journalism so it'll be an easy day in the way of finals.

Peace and Love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

those cigarettes are probably laced with something...