Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Violence never solved anything. World War led to World War. Words, however, changed ideology, epistemology, and life itself. Jesus was never violent; nary did he strike a person. Though Jesus did get angry. In the temple he threw over tables and told everyone to get out. He did not strike a single person, but his actions showed exactly what he was trying to convey. Actions speak. Words speak. Violence does not.

Neo-aggressivism is of this idea.

Violence traps and violence weakens. Words and actions are the antithesis of this. Your actions speak louder than your words and, sometimes, your silence speaks the loudest of them all. For silence breeds tension and tension causes breaking and breaking causes change in pitch or thought. Tension is key for it allows the person to be under pressure. A person is only their true self in two situations: when no one is looking and when they are pressurized by the world around them. The goal of a neo-aggressivist is to stand against the tension of the Earth, causing it to break at their own accord.

A neo-aggressivist fights not with fist or foot lest they are punch air or stomping the soil. We fight with questions that need answers, actions of kindness to prove the stereotype wrong.


This idea of neo-aggressivism is new to me. It intrigues me and it makes sense, at least to myself, to have this ideology. I feel this is how Jesus called us to be--not a passivistic pushover but rather aggressive in our faith and forceful in our actions without harm to another. More will come as this idea fleshes itself out in my mind.


Give all your love to the risen Lord for He is the reason for this and that and those and these.

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