Sunday, July 31, 2005

1 Published Tangent Way

Often, I find myself writing about truth when I have nothing to write about, and the pursuit of this altruistic fate. Y'see, truth is a sticky thing, really, because it can bleed into lies, and it can scar... Sure that's being a bit corny but, really, truth inside of a person is a person. Perhaps there is no altruism... Perhaps there is no absolute truth. For example, you can have two people that are split on the idea of murder. One can think it is right, and the other thinks it is wrong. Well, if the man that thinks murder is right kills the other, does he not ultimately win? Isn't that just formative micro-evolution. Change is eventual and perhaps we need a little murder or mishap to shake things up.

Especially in the Christian Right. I was watching the VH1 show Best Week Ever today and they had a segment that said that the Christian Right had deemed Jessica Simpson a slut. They actually called her a slut. Doesn't that go back on the whole, "don't judge me the bible says not to" idea? One guy made this point: they found it objectionable that she was washing a car in a bikini, something a lot of high schools use as a ploy to get people to pay five dollars to get their car badly washed, and yet they made no objection to the Confederate flag on the front of the car. Let me remind you of something, the Confederate flag has not come to symbolize "heritage" but rather racism. Sure, all sins are equal, but, honestly, in the eyes of society, which is worse: a skank or a racist? My point exactly.

Jesus was a liberal since, according to the dictionary, a liberal is merely a person who seeks to change the way things are done whereas a conservative is kind of like an old person: set in their ways and not wanting change. Pharisees, I hear you. Things had been working until this Nazarene came along on a donkey. He was like, "Equality and freedom and love one another!" and the pharisees were basically, equivocably, "Hell No! Get off my turf!" Because, admit it, the Pharisees had something working, but it just wasn't the right thing to do.

Sound familiar? Pilgrims. The Mother Land had the right idea, wrong concept. They wanted Equality and freedom and to love another, unless they were an indian (they'll get theirs). This country was founded on equality and slavery, misogyny and freedom. See how this ties to the Christian Right? No?

They contradict themselves. Two issues were apparent: the confederate flag and Jessica Simpson being a Paris Hilton no-talent-ripoff. So, we brush past the other one (slavery; misogyny) and totally make a big deal outta the other (freedom; equality). Truly, the Christian Right is embedded in the American way.

Let's change this ladies and gentlemen. Let this be a lesson to ye. To be equal, we must address all the issues and look past how one wants to make money. Frankly (and not because I'm a teenaged boy), I don't care what Jessica Simpson wears. She can wear nothing or winter snow clothes for her next video. I don't care. What there shouldn't be is a Confederate flag grazing my television even if it grazing her chest like a bearskin rug.


Anonymous said...


I feel so unworthy.

Anonymous said...

The meaning of "judge not" in that verse is that we are not to condemn a person or put ourselves in the position of knowing everything about the state of their soul.

In defense of the Pharisees (as idiotic as it is to defend them), their problem with Jesus was how He put Himself up on the same level as God (forgiving sin, "I and the Father are One," etc.), I don't think they really had a problem with His "love, freedom and equality" speeches. Unless if they complained it was wrong to teach those things WITHOUT the law. But the whole "There is only One God" idea was what kept the Jews from accepting Jesus.

I definitely agree people "must address all the issues." But I think that is all the more reason to deal with the issue of skankiness. It seems to me like that is the issue more people are having a hard time grasping. And, ..although I'm now aware this comment is making me out to be pretty lame and rude.., if we all "look past how one wants to make money," wouldn't we end up ignoring problems/sins/issues like embezzlement, theft, prostitution, drugs, murder, etc?