Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Small Stones of the Lexicon

Some say the word "nigga" is blasphemous. How? Why? Isn't the connotation different than the actual word "nigger?" Tell me, if "nigga" was not part of the upper echelon of friendly lexicon, how can black people can get away with calling everyone it? The house of lexicon that I am a part of believes that to satirize a word is to cauterize it, thus making it another word and words are mere. So my niggas, I tell you this: nigga is a brother and a brother is a friend of mine.

To call someone a "nigger," however, is completely different. Amazing how the change of the ending can bring about two different meanings. But is this so different? In Greek there are four different words for love, and in spanish, there are constant irregularities that cause changed definition. Thus, only "nigger" is offensive, whereas "nigga" is not.

Sin boldly, O brothers, for in sin is the basis of change and acceptance. Society, more oft than not, is wrong.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Mastercard, Postcard

So I went to the mall today to do some school shopping and, well, yea. Fashion today is quite out of hand. Quasi-funny shirts that insinuate playful infidelity mixed with silk screened advertisements. Today's fashion seems to have all the qualities of an over priced thrift store. They destroy the print to make it look vintage despite the fact that the paint on the shirt feels new... I suppose that's why I ended up getting next to nothing at the only two stores that seem to at least try and adhere from that look: Gap and Old Navy. Yea, sure, they have the same old ish but, at the same time, they have their usual campy slash preppy stuff which I love. I just might have to stick to Ross. Damn right.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Laments, Regrets, and Rock & Roll

Ok. Take a look at the shirt below....

Notice something? The back states that "You can't be Catholic and Pro-Abortion." Does this not advertise, in blatant words, a God of exclusivity? How can a God of exclusivity be when God created choice? The act of abortion itself IS a choice and, lemme just reiterate, God created choice. Now, let's say a lady gets an abortion because she was raped and doesn't want the baby because it'd just be a regret and a burden since she's, oh, fourteen. Adoption wouldn't work in this situation because the kid would be wondering who his real parents were and, when he finds them, will be filled with regret that they were a mistake. Life made, life lost.

But, also, here's a thought: the abortion was forced by a boyfriend, a loved one, or by herself. And after the abortion, her guilt drives her to find something more than life: God. Perhaps God can USE abortion to bring people to him. What a novel concept! C'mon, if God can use the negative life of being a pothead, crackhead, cokehead, methhead, speed freak, porn star, rapist, liar, cheater, stealer, murderer, tax collector, fisherman, pervert, or crucified in this world, then perhaps, just perhaps, he can use an ABORTION to draw people towards him? Wouldn't that be a shocking testimony to the Conservative crowd? Wouldn't it be total Jesus Propaganda just waiting to be eaten up?

Therefore, you can't be Catholic and be pro-abortion, sure because Catholicism is just a name. But you can be God's chosen child and the apple of his eye if you're pro-abortion.

Life of regret or Life in Christ?

Monday, August 22, 2005

People Don't Save Their Tenderest Hearts for Assholes like You.

Words are easier than action, yet a thousand million words cannot define an apolgy or a kiss. Words are wrong and empty, corrupted by our memory and cozxed by our heart. A love letter can affirm yet three words spoken can comfim.

But, O daughters of Jerusalem, Words are easier...

Is it thus that I chose to write and not to act? It is thus, O brothers.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

A farewell to...

the armament of the broken heart. The alms of a sordid culture. You liar. You cheater. Words can only do so much justice, yes. Oh, God, yes. You can tell me all you want but, truly, I know that, someday, the way life is led will be obsolete. Don't trust the fervor, trust the mentor.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Who is John Galt?

Your mind is your greatest tool. Use it and don't let anyone control it or use it.

Independent reality is a capitalist's dream. You control your reality. You control your freedom. If you let the collectivists get you then you've lost, my friends.

Monday, August 15, 2005

I wear my motharussian glasses at night.

So, uh. Yea. I didn't accomplish much today, band camp.

Corey Hart ownz you.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

I'm too lazy to do this sometimes... most of the time... I hope things will change.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Favorite Lyrics Game

Here are some of my favorite lyrics from songs:

If you fail to see a problem,
(which I find hard to believe)
Or if you're hanging on form branches licking
honey from the leaves you say
"the hopelessness of living, the childishness
of suicide!"
But there's a call to love my brother that can
never be destroyed however much you talk.
However much you talk you make a certain

It's still only stupid talk.
However much I strut around.
However loud I sing the shining one inside me
won't say anything.

Oh to want one thing!
Purity of the heart is to want one thing.

You'll remind me that I said you were a quiet
bed in all my noise to rest.

Well I was charming you at best.
And you remember, dear, when I said
"My coming here was like a terrible fall!"
As we crept like thieves along your bedroom

I'd come down and touch your eyelids, but if
you stay up too late I'll throw you back into
the cupboard with the chipped and dirty plates
like the carnival game with the bottleneck and
rubber ring.

Even if you win, even then you don't win.
All I want is to want one thing.
-MewithoutYou - Leaf

[dr. dre]
Wait! what if there's an explanation for this shit?
(what? she tripped? fell? landed on his dick?!)
Alright shady, maybe he's right grady
But think about the baby before you get all crazy
Eminem\Dre - Guilty Conscience

Like hell, we are anxiously waiting
Like hell burning silently strong
Somehow we fell down by the wayside
And somehow this hell is home
The Alkaline Trio - Burn

14 hours ahead - a head that's heavier than lead
And i've got toothpicks in my eyes, a smile more yellow than the sky
I've got a song stuck in my head, one that i miss more than my bed
It's a song sung from a fallen milkman who's drinking bleach instead
I'm much like him.
The Alkaline Trio- Keep 'em Coming

My name is Jonas.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Well, this is interesting...

I was gonna publish a reflection about this past week at Ponderosa camp at Hume Lake, but then I got this comment:

Anonymous said...

The meaning of "judge not" in that verse is that we are not to condemn a person or put ourselves in the position of knowing everything about the state of their soul.

In defense of the Pharisees (as idiotic as it is to defend them), their problem with Jesus was how He put Himself up on the same level as God (forgiving sin, "I and the Father are One," etc.), I don't think they really had a problem with His "love, freedom and equality" speeches. Unless if they complained it was wrong to teach those things WITHOUT the law. But the whole "There is only One God" idea was what kept the Jews from accepting Jesus.

I definitely agree people "must address all the issues." But I think that is all the more reason to deal with the issue of skankiness. It seems to me like that is the issue more people are having a hard time grasping. And, ..although I'm now aware this comment is making me out to be pretty lame and rude.., if we all "look past how one wants to make money," wouldn't we end up ignoring problems/sins/issues like embezzlement, theft, prostitution, drugs, murder, etc?

If you're going to criticize something I write, don't be a wussy and be anonymous. C'mon, you had some good points playing the devil's advocate, but, really, it's all bunk when you're anonymous like that because I have no reason to respond to something written by somebody with no guts at all. Yeesh, guys, grow up and get some balls. I did. Sure, Ms. Simpson makes money via softcore prostitution of her body, but does that really matter? I mean, the police probably closes the case on 4 in ten murders on the account of dead-end evidence. Same with drug runners. Only some are caught, and the ones at my high school have yet to ever. C'mon, we ignore enough bad in this world already, even without the Christian Right having to run off and scream harlot. In reflection, so what if she wants to be a porn star with clothes on.

"C'mon boots."