Friday, August 26, 2005

Laments, Regrets, and Rock & Roll

Ok. Take a look at the shirt below....

Notice something? The back states that "You can't be Catholic and Pro-Abortion." Does this not advertise, in blatant words, a God of exclusivity? How can a God of exclusivity be when God created choice? The act of abortion itself IS a choice and, lemme just reiterate, God created choice. Now, let's say a lady gets an abortion because she was raped and doesn't want the baby because it'd just be a regret and a burden since she's, oh, fourteen. Adoption wouldn't work in this situation because the kid would be wondering who his real parents were and, when he finds them, will be filled with regret that they were a mistake. Life made, life lost.

But, also, here's a thought: the abortion was forced by a boyfriend, a loved one, or by herself. And after the abortion, her guilt drives her to find something more than life: God. Perhaps God can USE abortion to bring people to him. What a novel concept! C'mon, if God can use the negative life of being a pothead, crackhead, cokehead, methhead, speed freak, porn star, rapist, liar, cheater, stealer, murderer, tax collector, fisherman, pervert, or crucified in this world, then perhaps, just perhaps, he can use an ABORTION to draw people towards him? Wouldn't that be a shocking testimony to the Conservative crowd? Wouldn't it be total Jesus Propaganda just waiting to be eaten up?

Therefore, you can't be Catholic and be pro-abortion, sure because Catholicism is just a name. But you can be God's chosen child and the apple of his eye if you're pro-abortion.

Life of regret or Life in Christ?

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