Saturday, August 06, 2005

Well, this is interesting...

I was gonna publish a reflection about this past week at Ponderosa camp at Hume Lake, but then I got this comment:

Anonymous said...

The meaning of "judge not" in that verse is that we are not to condemn a person or put ourselves in the position of knowing everything about the state of their soul.

In defense of the Pharisees (as idiotic as it is to defend them), their problem with Jesus was how He put Himself up on the same level as God (forgiving sin, "I and the Father are One," etc.), I don't think they really had a problem with His "love, freedom and equality" speeches. Unless if they complained it was wrong to teach those things WITHOUT the law. But the whole "There is only One God" idea was what kept the Jews from accepting Jesus.

I definitely agree people "must address all the issues." But I think that is all the more reason to deal with the issue of skankiness. It seems to me like that is the issue more people are having a hard time grasping. And, ..although I'm now aware this comment is making me out to be pretty lame and rude.., if we all "look past how one wants to make money," wouldn't we end up ignoring problems/sins/issues like embezzlement, theft, prostitution, drugs, murder, etc?

If you're going to criticize something I write, don't be a wussy and be anonymous. C'mon, you had some good points playing the devil's advocate, but, really, it's all bunk when you're anonymous like that because I have no reason to respond to something written by somebody with no guts at all. Yeesh, guys, grow up and get some balls. I did. Sure, Ms. Simpson makes money via softcore prostitution of her body, but does that really matter? I mean, the police probably closes the case on 4 in ten murders on the account of dead-end evidence. Same with drug runners. Only some are caught, and the ones at my high school have yet to ever. C'mon, we ignore enough bad in this world already, even without the Christian Right having to run off and scream harlot. In reflection, so what if she wants to be a porn star with clothes on.

"C'mon boots."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The way you say she is making money "via softcore prostitution of her body," it seems clear that you disagree with it. But if you add, "but does that really matter?" then isn't it completely ironic that the point of your post was how wrong it is to ignore the evilness going on around us?

But now I'm thinking it may be that you expect only the crimes considered most heinous and overtly harmful to be discussed or refuted. Or maybe you think the things you consider more urgent aren't being addressed as often or as well as those that you don't see as disturbing to society? If that is how you feel, then I could better understand where you're coming from. I rarely can find fault with anyone who is simply stating an obvious wrong.

I think you wrote this response in haste. Your example of closed drug/murder cases by the police doesn't show a lack of attention being paid to those issues but rather a lack of efficacy to see that attention through. That is a separate issue.

I honestly admire your passion for the right things that you truly want to see things be done and taken care of. However, I think any frustration over that not happening can not be taken out on anyone because they are not also working towards the same goals you would like to see accomplished in the world. Different priorities that are all needed and well-guided, I believe.

When people criticize it can so easily become more about who's right and who's wrong than about letting the conversation be fully explored and allowing each person to more completely understand the topic and the other person they're relating with. If you have "no reason" to respond to me because I am anonymous, then does that mean your responses have less to do with what is said than they do with who said them? Too much credit (or criticism) given to the speaker and the message itself can get left out entirely. I wanted my words to speak for themselves without the influence (whether it might be positive or negative) of who I am. Just trying to keep it neutral and not cloud your judgment on what I have to say, so as to improve the quality of the conversation for both of us. I am aware that remaining anonymous for longer than necessary would be condescending to you, and I don't want to do that. But I think you're just curious and are trying to use a little bit of reverse psychology to coax my identity out of me. When I DO reveal myself I'm okay with being labeled a coward if it means I get the best possible conversation out of you now.

I think the more times I read things you have written, the more I like the way you think and the more I am disappointed in the way you argue your points. Again, it seems like you have excellent passion and some okay ways of thinking...but I'm convinced you could easily improve your arguments by avoiding the reasoning and leaning more towards fact or at least objective personal observations. In fact, I'd go with the personal observations. It would leave more room for your sense of humor.