Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Syphilitic Ramblings--A Different Pace

Usually, I don't post poetry on here because, well, that's just cheap and retarded because I know far too many "MySpace Poets" that crank out three word phrases, tie them together in stanzas, post them, and then post a bulletin saying, "New Poem! Read it and I won't cut myself anymore!"

They're all liars. So this is a one time thing. It's an experiment in rhythm, dictional rhythm, since it starts as "Verb Verb Verb Verb Noun Noun Verb Verb Verb Verb Verb." The second half turns, becoming an extended haiku as four lines of five syllables (instead of one), two lines of seven (instead of one), ending with two lines of pentameter, one more heptameter, and a tercet. Neo-poetry.

So, here goes.

Rhetoric and Ambition, Baby
Imprint vile serums,
Strongarm guillotine suffixes;
Release upon labor day
(cauterize upon MLK day)
Chemical Virulance.

Oh the Plight of cyncs,
plight of the lover's love
With tulips in the fall in a bowl in a room on a table

Launder my propository antithesis,
Generate Chernobyl acts of sedition.
Iterate the guillotine contrappasto tourettes.

In the midday sun
She howls at the moon
Crying for Mary
the Virgin Birth and
Virgin Death--the want
How she wants Virginity--
How she needs Sanity.
Forward on the move
The soldier's insane
Though so is the
Soldier's tireless love
who howls at the moon in the
midday sun.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Ten speed if I must then I must.

I just sent a message to Christina Rios concerning something that I'm about to discuss. This isn't for the faint of heart nor the sexually awkward (Emma, I'm looking in your direction.)

Why is premature ejaculation such a problem in our age of fast food, fast service, and fast this that and the other? It seems like this would be the preferred model for ejaculation, both sexually and verbally, since we want everything quick. We ejaculate our camera angles every three seconds, releasing another one on television, which is why the movies from the 60's with shots lasting 10-20 seconds are so amazingly raunchy to us. That's probably why books are so annoying to us. They take the time to love us. They court us, date us, kiss us, play with us, climax us, love us, then stay with us til death do us part. Whereas T.V. and mass media fuck us and leaves us to foot the bill for the loose prostitute with the loose lips and the scandals. Republicans take your money, Democrats take your women. I'm taking your women and prematurely ejaculating on their leg.


The Real question is, "What isn't sexual with you, Evan?" But, really, JP made a good point today: anything perverse sticks with you. That's why I'm a fucking genius--because I can relate anything to sex. Well, almost anything. Well, I'm not a sexual fiend and I'm actually tired of the stigma. But, at the same time, I may be smarter because of it.

To be all honest, there may be a reason for me being so sexually charged in speech and stature but so tame in emotion. I'm an emotive guy. Sex is the height of passion between two people--the unascertainable between two lovers, the ascribed between two life partners. It's what God created for greatness, It's what God created not for backseats and bathroom stalls, but for bedrooms. I look upon sex as sacred. I look upon sex as the greatest of all things. I'm awkward around women, you all know that, and I could never never have sex with a woman I don't feel holistically comfortable with, AKA my wife. Don't think I'm a perve just because I speak of sex a lot a lot. Think of me kindly, as that boy who knows the genius of sex and exploits its emotions to people around. Because sex is awkward to even the sexually active. It's a secret, it's a giggle. It's a brag, it's a privelage. But, in all reality, it's the euphoria peak, the utopia between two souls reaching climax for ever more. That's sex to me--emotional fodder, and something to be highly respected. Glad that's clear now.

Friday, January 27, 2006

The Problem and the Problem

No one gives a damn in High School, at least enough to show it. I'm in that. I want to do something revolutionary, but I blame my stagnancy on the fact that no one will care... And I realized that the things I do after high school are what matter more.... JP made a good point in saying that kids don't care in high school because they're just trying to get to college, preoccupied with their own self-indulgent drama, preoccupied with meaningless bullshit.

Blame it on the music. Blame it on the tetons. Really, though, tetons have become a problem. Porn is rampant. The fact that it's free and out there and easily accessed is something that is terrible. It used to be, before 1990, when the internet was first mass created, you had to sneak your dad's porn from his stash in the garage, if he had some! Or you had to have locker room trades. Then you had the guilt and worry of having it between your mattress. Now! Now, it's all in the fingers. Search for Porn on Google, Yahoo, Excite, Webcrawler--shit--Wikipedia! And you'll find what all the horny boys in the 80's were dreaming of--A pseudo-utopian society of naked-plastic-women. My God have we succumb to trillions upon billions of nipples and vulvas? to trillions upon millions of penises and anuses? Have we really become a culture from 13 to 80 years of age delved in a jungle of Pubic hair without a machete or a Gillette disposable? It's the plight of the man to lust; it's the profit of the entrepeneur to make us lust; it's the point of the Christian man to resist these innate urges to be with the rib that was taken so long ago; it's a problem that's taking away our social skills--our courting skills.

It can't be stopped. It's the steamroller so slow yet fast. Boys, you might as well get the lotion. Girls, you might as well start filming.

Pues, Viva su vida. Just shrug your shoulders. C'est la vie. High Schoolers are giving naught a fuck but to their hand anyway. C'est la vie C'est la vie C'est la vie.


Postscript: "We could end wars if we all ate the same shit." -Jon Stewart, The Daily Show