Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Syphilitic Ramblings--A Different Pace

Usually, I don't post poetry on here because, well, that's just cheap and retarded because I know far too many "MySpace Poets" that crank out three word phrases, tie them together in stanzas, post them, and then post a bulletin saying, "New Poem! Read it and I won't cut myself anymore!"

They're all liars. So this is a one time thing. It's an experiment in rhythm, dictional rhythm, since it starts as "Verb Verb Verb Verb Noun Noun Verb Verb Verb Verb Verb." The second half turns, becoming an extended haiku as four lines of five syllables (instead of one), two lines of seven (instead of one), ending with two lines of pentameter, one more heptameter, and a tercet. Neo-poetry.

So, here goes.

Rhetoric and Ambition, Baby
Imprint vile serums,
Strongarm guillotine suffixes;
Release upon labor day
(cauterize upon MLK day)
Chemical Virulance.

Oh the Plight of cyncs,
plight of the lover's love
With tulips in the fall in a bowl in a room on a table

Launder my propository antithesis,
Generate Chernobyl acts of sedition.
Iterate the guillotine contrappasto tourettes.

In the midday sun
She howls at the moon
Crying for Mary
the Virgin Birth and
Virgin Death--the want
How she wants Virginity--
How she needs Sanity.
Forward on the move
The soldier's insane
Though so is the
Soldier's tireless love
who howls at the moon in the
midday sun.

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