Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Ash on the Window

"Disappointment is the great flag of the soul that is raised, thickly and heavily, with great remorse, to let you know you've tried."

Yes, it's a deep feeling, full of regret and remorse, but, at the same time, it is unavoidable, like smoke from a fire, like frost on the windshield. And the things that are unavoidable strengthen doubts into the feelings of the stars. Cygnus and Gemini and Taurus. They, the great celestial animals that fly with my soul unto tomorrow and all my woes. All my voluntary unemployment, and the scratching feeling at the back of my throat that's telling me I will never be happy, that I will always be me. No matter how medicated I am. No worry save all the ones that are the must.

Broken down by the bleach I will drink to make my insides white again. In purity and in love.

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