Friday, February 09, 2007

Uncle Mountain

So let's split hairs. Black, in American Politics, apparently means "descended from Slaves." Therefore, Barack Obama is not black. He's born from a Kenyan immigrant and "The Swiss Miss Girl." He's a mulatto and no one wants to say it.

But isn't that splitting hairs? He even said himself that if he hails a cab, they're not going to look and say, "A person who's half-black and half-white, but not technically black because of political stigma--no, they see a black man." Okay, so he didn't that exactly, he said something else less convoluted, but whatever. It's amazing that they have to find something about this guy to make sure he doesn't get the support of black voters in 2008, or Whitey.

Barack Obama in 2008. The First BLACK PRESIDENT.

I think it's going to be hard for him to straddle the line of being black and being an Uncle Tom.

He's black.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so what? he's a mulatto...if voters had any brains they'd vote for him because of his political savy and motives, not his skin color.