Saturday, March 31, 2007

I'm not... difficult to please.

Thanks a lot, assholes, for showing me how far being funny will get you. High School was a crapshoot and college is even worse. I have no friends and I'm rather lonely, paling in my shyness, moonlighting with my loneliness. I can't seem to find the group to surround myself with. Acquaitances that think I'm funny. Maybe that's why I stuck around in band: because I needed to group atmosphere. Social whore, that's what I am. And I've got nothing to whore around or pimp.

I don't know any of you anymore. I've tried and I don't. You've all gone the way of the dodo to me, it seems. I've tried and I've tried but you're all just too cool anymore to even want to respond to my options about hanging out with me. Except Danielle Cobb, you've been pretty cool, but I've just been busy.

So fuck you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmmm you know it kind of hurts and sucks that you say that you have "no friends" and the high school was a "crapshoot and college is worse"....because you DO have friends you have ME and JP and well we are fucking awesome and it does not get better then us.
HELLO! YOU MET ME IN COLLEGE and i don't know about you, but i would much rather have 2 best friends then 10 "acquaitances" or people who i think are my friends and who i think like me and who i think i can trust....i would want few or even a couple of people to love me, care for me, accept me for who i TRUELY am (tri polarness and all)...then 10 or even 5 people who only know and only like the "funny" me.....HEY WAIT! DO have 2 people who care, love and accept you.

you know sometimes i think you need to stop thinking you need soooo many friends or how you want more, and kind of be happy and be blesssed that you atleast have 2, which is better than 1 which is waaaaaay better than none.

i know you are happy that you have me and JP, but sometimes i think you forget just how good we truely are.

and believe me WE are just as lucky and blessed to have you in our lives as well...we luv you!