Saturday, May 19, 2007

Will I have arrived in time to share?

For every tenth thing I tell you, there will be nine I withhold or refute with vigor. If there is a sea worth swimming, I would swim to get away from here. If there were a life worth living, I would hold on to it. Worth living. Telling your story to the children. Contemplating murderous antiquities and the likes seen only now on quilted patterned pillows and soft down comforters. See me alone with you holding you being you. Wanting you. I cannot see worth a damn but I know it's you. I know by the stillness in your eyes. I am alone but I have another plan. Something and nowhere all at once. Atmosphere not conducive. I electricity and I have nothing to conduct against. No conductor for the band. Against all your will to sleep and to be still. I know you from before when we were once. Away and fallible once contrived and votive alone at the chapel perpetuating our sheep and our nature. Conniving bitch seething with the fury of those nine things I hold off. I cannot stay because I know you not. You know this and you still cry out across the chasm where I cannot see and hear or taste and smell your beautiful skin...

But, one day--in time?--we will be together and that great chasm will be but a mere divide as natural as your ten toes and fingers. Thumbs. Rings passed in matrimony. Great divide to drive away as natural as the sun may set.

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