Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Day 39 - Killing Yourself to Live

So I'm reading Killing Yourself to Live by Chuck Klosterman, and there are a few things I've been thinking about. I am going to assume you know every detail of this book, as I know you've read it.

He talks a lot about music and movies in passing reference and as a way to describe how people look or act or sound ("Jolene" by Dolly Parton, Morrissey on Bona Drag, Jack Lemmon in Glengarry Glen Ross, etcetera), yet I can't figure two things out:

1) He goes to Fargo, ND, mentions ND a ton because he grew up three hours away from Fargo in ND, and yet he makes no mention of the most popular movie about Fargo entitled, well, Fargo. Someone winds up in a wood chipper. You should see it.

2) He was a journalist in Akron, OH, for a time, something he mentions multiple times. Now, this one may be a personal thing because the band that labels themselves as "Akron, OH's finest" is one of my favorites, but he never once mentions The Black Keys. If you're in Akron, I'd assume you'd know of them. Akron's not Hell, not under a rock. I'm just surprised he can have a two-page explication about a Rod Stewart box set, three to four pages on Thom Yorke accidentally predicting 9\11, and yet nothing on two things concerning two places he is deeply involved in. But this whole book is about the strange things in life, but mostly death, and so maybe he intentionally left them out.

Either way, what a douche bag for not mentioning the Black Keys. They're Akron's FINEST! C'mon, Chuck. Not even a footnote. Nothing. Whatever. I paid full price for the book, so, Black Keys and Coen Brothers or not, you still have my money and, thusly, my soul. Have a nice day, Mr. Klosterman. And you too, Vietnam.

I'm not even going to mention the three women he's involved with during the book because all three relationships seem very contrived and, if this is 85% of a true story, then they're the 15% fiction. He can't deal with women, neither can I, maybe he should've taken a chastity vow for a year. And not been so awesome. Who knows.

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