Sunday, July 22, 2007

Day 57 - Atrocities

This is what we believe in, this is what we know: that the world is what we make it, that the world is how we perceive it. We are aware, yet we are subtle about our feelings because they can get us into trouble. We can enable though we can also disable. We can scare, we can incite. I think that there are fewer things that we can't accomplish and more things we can achieve if we only chose to become more self-aware.

This is what we know: we know that God is in control and that Christ died for our sins so we can live without regret or worry. We must be penitent. We must keep our feet on the ground. Moving forward forever more. I know your name. Pushing it all out beyond what we know will be the challenge in the days to come.

There are things I know, there are things I need.

"The children swing the dawn in." Put a quarter in the "end a sentence with a prepositition" jar.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ending a sentence with a preposition is not grammatically correct.