Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Brand New Waves of Sordid Oncology

It's 330. I just cleaned up dog shit in my dining room. This is probably the best time to do it, because you're only downstairs for a bowl of cereal when, bam!, you're shocked into having a ZipLoc baggy inside out on your hand while you hold stinky, warm, clay-paste. Then, next thing you know, you're grabbing your dog by the collar and stickin' her face in it. They know they've done something wrong and you have to shove them an inch from their sin. Next thing you know, your hands are clean, your happily stuffed full of mini wheats, and your dog loves you like you're a God again.

It's amazing how similar this situation is to how God is with our sin. Our conscience, AKA the holy spirit, shoves our nose in our dirty deeds (not done dirt cheap, ACDC), and tells us to not do it again, sternly, even though my conscience and I both know that it's a pit we fall into when we have no other options. And then we're both back to happily loving each. A dog can't hold its crap for 43 hours straight, we can't go 24 hours without doing something crappy. A dog's gotta deuce, we've gotta sin. We're inherently evil creatures.

And I think that's how God atones our sins: with an inside-out ZipLoc baggy that he tosses into the toilet, never to be seen again. And the cycle starts over. Luckily, there's no human pound where gods take their followers when they've been consistently bad and they just can't keep them in their temple. That would suck.


Anonymous said...

you rubbed your dogs face in their shit? that's fucked up. dogs don't know what the fuck they did wrong. your dog had to take a shit, no one was downstairs to let it out, so it shit on the floor because it had nowhere else to go.

Anonymous said...

that is kind of sad, but on another note i like how you related a dog taking a shit to sin. the whole one min later you're a god again and the next min we "shit" God loves us, again interesting, but sad for your dog. was a sort of door open for it? if not then why do you expect it to do? if you gotta take a piss and there is no bathroom you take it on the side of the road or something.

Evan said...

Blah blah blah, I covered that with "a pit our conscience falls into when we have no other options."

...I still wish I knew who was posting comments...