Saturday, January 19, 2008

If Assholes could fly, this place would be busier than O'Hare

Well, I'm here.

How do I like it? I think it'll get better once classes start, once my room mate comes back, when things are actually moving, open, and not stagnant. When I have people to talk to.

But it's really pretty, I have to admit that much. I've never lived anywhere but Rancho Cucamonga, and, damn, was I missing out on the esthetics checkmark.

But, still, there were people to talk to in Rancho, usually. Even my mom if I ever got lordy-lord-desperate.

The food is good, my bed is comfortable and warm, the coffee is good, the campus is clean, the people are nice once i get the courage to talk to them. Some are just a little crazy about weed. Others are just crazy. Though they all seem to be from Sacramento. The crazy about weed ones are the expected parts.

I've decided to double major because I'm crazy. I've decided to better myself in any way I can. It's hard being away from the person I love. I lost one of my books already. Have you seen my copy of Mere Christianity? I'd like it back. I haven't finished it yet.

On the note of that book, I feel better about God after reading most of it. It's re-beginning to make sense.

I'll probably go down to the bottom of the "j" and watch whatever movie they're showing at six. Dinner at 530 or so. Now, what to do for an hour...?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lets go drop some molly!!!!111!!!1!