Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Let's be reasonable.

I've been sick with some kind of sniffle or cough or chill since the week after I got up to HSU.

And also homesickness. It comes and goes, I try to forget about it--but that's what happens when you have great parents, I suppose. You miss them. It's sensible.

And you miss your dogs and your lawn and your privacy.

But it should pass as long as I bury myself in my studies. I have trouble meeting people, that goes without saying. So it'll come. Come to pass. Boredom will happen always. But whatever. I'm okay, I guess. I just miss everything. And I can't go to any other school because the RS program here is top notch.

Anyway, Spring Training has started, that's obvious by the last post, so there's something to take my mind off of everything else going on or not going on.


Lauren French said...

Don't worry... soon enough you'll be loving it there. I hated Cambridge for about three months: the program, the people... just about everything. I was lonely and really sincerely hated this place. But time passed and I made some good friends and adopted some of my old hobbies... and now I am really loving being here. So just give it time; it'll start to come together.

Summer in December said...

Ooh! I have missed so much from being in London. Go Dodger blue! Life can begin anew!
Think patterns: school, sleep, movies, study, baseball-the semester will be over soon.