Thursday, March 13, 2008

There's a snake in my boot.

Can't sleep. Four midterms, one quiz, and a spot on my tongue that may be from all this goddam coughing or from smoking (probably the latter.) has gotten me really stressed out. To the point that I can only really sleep during the day when the night of unrest has really caught up with me. And the I end up having crazy-ass dreams about getting high and falling asleep and having a dream that my hands and feet are missing only to wake up into the first dream to find out I'm at some sort of resort, sleeping in a fancy hotel where the doors don't completely lock and the elevator goes sideways and my mom has spread a bunch of small church pencils all over one of the rooms for some reason.

And then I met Flavor Flav. And somewhere in there I started talking in my sleep and having a mid-dream that I was in my dorm, stumbling around looking for my journal so I could write all these other dreams down. Or maybe that wasn't a dream but sleep-searching or something.... All I know is that I can't sleep right now and I'm almost afraid to if I'm going to run into Flavor Flav again.

Over on Dodger Blues they posted a link to the mySpace of Eliot Spitzer's hooker. You can tell she's not a cheap one because she doesn't have platinum blonde hair and tweaked-out teeth.

I finished reading the Plague before I fell asleep. It was good but you could tell there were times that Camus was simply using his characters to spout off his personal existentialistic views. Though the idea of a plague happening is rather interesting and scary as shit.

I saw the Savages the other night. I don't know if I liked it or just thought it was kind of okay. My main problem was with the ending because it's setup as this movie that's solely about two siblings taking care of their father as he slowly fades into nothingness with dementia. Nowhere is there a tonal shift to suggest that the movie's central focus was actually the two siblings and their problems. Instead, I thought it was about the father and their relationship and coping with it, etcetera. However, when the father dies, and they say to each other, "So this is it..." the movie doesn't end. It seemed like the ending, it felt like the ending, it should have probably been the ending. Especially since, directly afterwards they go into some montaged shots of the city of Buffalo (i think) which would have made the movie have perfect bookends since it started with interesting, almost Lynch-esque shots of Sun City, Arizona. Instead, though, the movie carries on to show the ambiguous, partial successes and codas of the siblings. Everything after the montage of Buffalo seemed superfluous given that the movie wasn't about the siblings but about how fucked up their lives were because of their father.

I think it's time for bed, finally.

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