Monday, August 22, 2005

People Don't Save Their Tenderest Hearts for Assholes like You.

Words are easier than action, yet a thousand million words cannot define an apolgy or a kiss. Words are wrong and empty, corrupted by our memory and cozxed by our heart. A love letter can affirm yet three words spoken can comfim.

But, O daughters of Jerusalem, Words are easier...

Is it thus that I chose to write and not to act? It is thus, O brothers.


Anonymous said...

Summer camps for geeks get rave reviews
Two separate hard-core tech campouts took place this weekend in the San Francisco Bay Area and--from the amount of praise coming from those who attended--seem to have been enormously successful.
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Anonymous said...

"promise me, o daughters of jerusalem, not to awaken love before it is ready"
~song of solomon.