Thursday, February 23, 2006

Ripening Fruit Descending Quick

So, okay. Last night, while trying to heal writer's block, I started looking through the Old Testament of the Bible for straight-up odd shit God's done or has commissioned or told Moses to write down. First off, was Genesis 19, Sodom and Gomorrah. The basic plot is an angel of God comes to Lot and the Sodomites are all, "Bring him out for the anal rape!" and Lot was like, "No, here, take my virgin daughters... You'll like that more. They have a butthole too, y'know." There's evidence, in verse three that Lot saw this a'comin' since the angels were going to sleep in the town square... like Hobos of God. But Lot was like, "Dude, sleep here. We've got Sodomy all over." So anyway, God gets pissed and says for Lot to get out because he's going to destroy the city. Sure, God, kill the Faggots and save the man who offered up his engaged and virgin daughters. So God smites the city, turns Lot's wife into a pillar salt for looking back upon the homos. Lot's children grow up, get pregnant by their Dad and live a happy life.

So, okay. I know that, then, women were treated like slaves and dirt and baby-machines. However, why couldn't Lot have offered himself up to these people who obviously had a fetish for Twink meat (just look that up). Really, men of God don't like their daughters. This same type of thing happened in Judges 19. Same exact scenario. Homos and then the father saying, "Here, take my virgin daughter." but they don't get all sulphur'd and salted.

In Leviticus 18, it says the the penalty for both homosexuality and beastiality is death. This is evidence of the Homosexuality and death thing. Maybe God's sent the AIDS epidemic just to say, "dammit, I'm vengeful and Old School still. I've still got it!" But what about rape and sacrificing your virgin daughters? All God says about women is that they're unclean for seven days after their period then have to sacrifice birds in atonement. If you're on your period, I can't sit where you sit. Jesus didn't clear that one up... So, uh, let me know so I don't get all unclean.

There are fissures in the Christian faith, the Jewish faith, the Islamic faith, and Faith faith. Perhaps each fissure is filled by the others' knowledge? The bible mentions Ishmael, the father of Islam, as the bastard child of Abram who is a wild donkey of a man. The Jews use half of the Christian bible, the Old School god half. And, without the Lamb of God, I definitely would wear a battle helmet over a yarmulkah. However, isn't faith simply believing against the fissures?

So, let's sum this up: Women are property and their rape isn't as bad as homosexuality, There are fissures in faith but there is faith in fissures. Women are unclean for half of every month and they should sacrifice birds when they are finally clean.

And that is that. I'll leave you with a cartoon...


Postscript: I'm a thinker, not a blasphemer.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Bend over and suck his Knees!

What a faction. Nobody wants to see Martha Stewart out of the kitchen. She has that morning show, right, where she cooks and teaches you how to do this or that with a sprig of rosemary and parchment paper. Then, then, she gets out of prison and now she has a daytime talk show. In the same goddam kitchen. I think that sums up my thesis.
Martha Stewart is not furthering women's rights or women's equality in any way. She's confining herself into the kitchen. She tried doing the Apprentice, too, remember? She wasn't in the kitchen, but instead in the office, acting like a DonaldTrumpWithoutTheCombOver--a working woman. That show bombed after less than one season. What does that say? We want Martha in that goddam kitchen. I swear that's gotta say something about the intrinsic way we treat women no matter how much we try to make them equal.
They make less for the same work, they're harassed in the workplace. Guys, all we have to do is clench our cheeks and pray we don't have a homosexual predator for a boss, which is rare. Girls, you've got it bad. You're repressed, you're harassed, you're told how to look and where to look and why to look. Honestly, do you really like wearing boots with a mini-skirt? It's ugly, dammit. So stop it. Just wear jeans, just be comfortable.
Why do we repress women? Because us guys are horny. That may be a simple summation but, it's true. We. are. Horny. Eve was created when Adam got lonely. Makes me wonder if Adam had genitalia before woman. Hmm... I wonder... King Kong doesn't have balls. But that's beside the point.

However, women do run this world because guys are horny. We think with our penises. If the penises' lovers don't put out then we are powerless. Laura Bush probably has the President pussy-whipped. Laura Bush probably calls on the shots. I don't believe the bullshit about war once a month. If a woman actually came to the forefront, it'd be the same as it ever was--just with the penis on the wayside--which'd make us flacid. Terrible. It's the penis, it's the ego, that keep Martha in the kitchen.

Rise up against the misogyny, my sisters.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Take your Psycho little Dogs

I finished reading Ham on Rye by Charles Bukowski today while I was home sick. It's his pseudo-memoir about growing up poor in LA. It was pretty good... The general theme was knowing you're down socially, so why not drink your sorrows away.

Bukowski knew he'd never amount to much because of his peasant bloodline of drunks and good-for-nothings, and because of that, he never tries to attain what those he went to High School with had.

The two biggest points in the novel are when he's introduced to masturbation and to alcohol. Suddenly, he doesn't feel so empty. These are his bread and butter, his wife and his children. The protagonist looks upon the corporate, cubicle, married, world as if they're as lowly as him, so why even try?

That's what true literature is about: Why bother if it's all insignificant shit to make yourself feel good? Gatsby tried the opposite--get outta the slums and become great and that just led to his greater demise.

I do recommend this book, though it is rather graphic in its sexual depictions and other things...

Hell yes. Oh, and the boy on the right is Bukowski himself. Not much of a looker...

Monday, February 06, 2006

Torrid Alliance

I have nothing to write about because everything is fodder. I really haven't felt inspired ever since yesterday a whole posting got deleted when I tried to add a funny picture, this one:

It truly had nothing to do with the post. The post was actually about the folly of advertisement and how it runs our lives more than the Bible. Just look up at the banner ads, down on your shirt, on the walls of stadiums and billboards and factories. Do we really need to be bombarded like we are? Can't we think for ourselves? Who wants to? I do, but I know damn well I'm influenced by the corporations of this country, who run this country. It's all a farce, it's all a conglomeration of lies that really and truly digs at the heart of us to be emotive (adopt a child commercials and beer commercials make us laugh). I would want you to think for yourself but it's truly impossible. Just please be discerning.

Donde estan las maracas?

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Narrowmindedness will make you Dead.

Do you really think Dan Brown wanted anything but to make money? He used to Hollywood formula of "take an old story and make it newer" with the Da Vinci Code--which is my epitome of Pop Novel Trash. Sure, it's a gay romp through the land of Illuminati and fictitious bullshit, but so is National Treasure. I'd much rather waste two and a half hours of my life watching Nicholas Cage battle for the Declaration of Independence, than spend three days with the protagonist of the Da Vinci Code. No, I have not read the book. So what? With all the hype it's getting, and the fact that a movie was made of it a little over a year later says that its job as a novel was completed; but it's job as a work of literature was not.

With that ideal I propose a ban on Pop Novel Trash. Buy not, borrow not, rent not, steal not novels from authors like Danielle Steel, Stephen King, Dean Koontz, the author of Artemis Fowl or the Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants (They're CHILDRENS novels), all of the Romance Section, all of the Mystery Section, all of the Graphic Novel Section, all of the Science Fiction section. Focus yourself on finding yourself in Literature. This may seem radical, this may seem harsh, but, really, do you want to waste your time on a book then say, "Well, that was fun" or do you want to say, "That book changed my life." I like the latter.
As a blanket, don't buy books at Grocery Stores, Targets, or Walmarts but rather at Borders or Barnes and Nobles or, better yet, online where they're cheaper and there's a better selection. Border's pisses me off with their small Philosophy section. And the fact a whole shelf of it is devoted to the Philosophy of Buffy and Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings.
The books you read in class are literature. Gatsby, Grapes of Wrath--Fitzgerald, Steinbeck, Kerouac, Thoureau, Bronte, O'Brien (loosely), Rand, Eliot, Hughes, Frost (even though I don't like his poetry, you may). These are novelists who had something to fucking say, not money to be made. And we teenagers hate them for it. I swear to God, we're one ignorant bunch of adolescents. I hope we grow out of it.

To be frank, Oprah's book club is a good reference point for good books. So the hell what if James Frey is a liar? He's an author. We stretch. But East of Eden and Night and the other books. Good jumping points.

Read Pop Novel Trash as a mental catalyst, but don't dwell in the shitfields for too long because you will gain nothing but lost time. At this point in our lives, dear brethren, we should be reading true novels to inspire us, to make us think. We need to think in our TV age and computer age. We need to live in our TV age and computer age. Novels offer up such a multi-faceted, universal knowledge that is so relative to the reader. Watch an episode of the Mythbusters of the Discovery channel and you'll get the same message: blowing stuff up kicks ass. Read "Portrait of a Lady" by T.S. Eliot and you'll come out with different interpretations of what the symbolism means to you.
I'm writing this as a commission since we are the writers of tomorrow. Sure, the writers of today severely fucked up--but we can change that. We are the future, you know. And the future isn't as bleak as some would think. There will be books and they will be written by us.
So for Christ's sake, write something worth reading; write something that's more than a story. It's like Jack Kerouac said, "I want to work in revelations, not just spin silly tales for money. I want to fish as deep down as possible into my own subconscious in the belief that once that far down, everyone will understand because they are the same that far down." We are all the same. So fish down as deep as you can and spin the greatest tales of Universiality that you can. Put your biases not aside but on paper. Put your prejudice not aside but on paper. Put your thoughts not aside and into a couch or unto a television but on paper.

This is my commission to you, my brothers, sisters, lovers, liars, sinners, failures, losers, users, undyingly faithful, tirelessly hopeful. It's up to you to bring literature back unto the forefront of culture. Write something. Make something. Start something. It's like Smalls' mom said in the Sandlot, "Scrape your knees, get dirty, get into trouble for crying out loud!"