Monday, February 06, 2006

Torrid Alliance

I have nothing to write about because everything is fodder. I really haven't felt inspired ever since yesterday a whole posting got deleted when I tried to add a funny picture, this one:

It truly had nothing to do with the post. The post was actually about the folly of advertisement and how it runs our lives more than the Bible. Just look up at the banner ads, down on your shirt, on the walls of stadiums and billboards and factories. Do we really need to be bombarded like we are? Can't we think for ourselves? Who wants to? I do, but I know damn well I'm influenced by the corporations of this country, who run this country. It's all a farce, it's all a conglomeration of lies that really and truly digs at the heart of us to be emotive (adopt a child commercials and beer commercials make us laugh). I would want you to think for yourself but it's truly impossible. Just please be discerning.

Donde estan las maracas?

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