Thursday, February 23, 2006

Ripening Fruit Descending Quick

So, okay. Last night, while trying to heal writer's block, I started looking through the Old Testament of the Bible for straight-up odd shit God's done or has commissioned or told Moses to write down. First off, was Genesis 19, Sodom and Gomorrah. The basic plot is an angel of God comes to Lot and the Sodomites are all, "Bring him out for the anal rape!" and Lot was like, "No, here, take my virgin daughters... You'll like that more. They have a butthole too, y'know." There's evidence, in verse three that Lot saw this a'comin' since the angels were going to sleep in the town square... like Hobos of God. But Lot was like, "Dude, sleep here. We've got Sodomy all over." So anyway, God gets pissed and says for Lot to get out because he's going to destroy the city. Sure, God, kill the Faggots and save the man who offered up his engaged and virgin daughters. So God smites the city, turns Lot's wife into a pillar salt for looking back upon the homos. Lot's children grow up, get pregnant by their Dad and live a happy life.

So, okay. I know that, then, women were treated like slaves and dirt and baby-machines. However, why couldn't Lot have offered himself up to these people who obviously had a fetish for Twink meat (just look that up). Really, men of God don't like their daughters. This same type of thing happened in Judges 19. Same exact scenario. Homos and then the father saying, "Here, take my virgin daughter." but they don't get all sulphur'd and salted.

In Leviticus 18, it says the the penalty for both homosexuality and beastiality is death. This is evidence of the Homosexuality and death thing. Maybe God's sent the AIDS epidemic just to say, "dammit, I'm vengeful and Old School still. I've still got it!" But what about rape and sacrificing your virgin daughters? All God says about women is that they're unclean for seven days after their period then have to sacrifice birds in atonement. If you're on your period, I can't sit where you sit. Jesus didn't clear that one up... So, uh, let me know so I don't get all unclean.

There are fissures in the Christian faith, the Jewish faith, the Islamic faith, and Faith faith. Perhaps each fissure is filled by the others' knowledge? The bible mentions Ishmael, the father of Islam, as the bastard child of Abram who is a wild donkey of a man. The Jews use half of the Christian bible, the Old School god half. And, without the Lamb of God, I definitely would wear a battle helmet over a yarmulkah. However, isn't faith simply believing against the fissures?

So, let's sum this up: Women are property and their rape isn't as bad as homosexuality, There are fissures in faith but there is faith in fissures. Women are unclean for half of every month and they should sacrifice birds when they are finally clean.

And that is that. I'll leave you with a cartoon...


Postscript: I'm a thinker, not a blasphemer.

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