Friday, February 10, 2006

Bend over and suck his Knees!

What a faction. Nobody wants to see Martha Stewart out of the kitchen. She has that morning show, right, where she cooks and teaches you how to do this or that with a sprig of rosemary and parchment paper. Then, then, she gets out of prison and now she has a daytime talk show. In the same goddam kitchen. I think that sums up my thesis.
Martha Stewart is not furthering women's rights or women's equality in any way. She's confining herself into the kitchen. She tried doing the Apprentice, too, remember? She wasn't in the kitchen, but instead in the office, acting like a DonaldTrumpWithoutTheCombOver--a working woman. That show bombed after less than one season. What does that say? We want Martha in that goddam kitchen. I swear that's gotta say something about the intrinsic way we treat women no matter how much we try to make them equal.
They make less for the same work, they're harassed in the workplace. Guys, all we have to do is clench our cheeks and pray we don't have a homosexual predator for a boss, which is rare. Girls, you've got it bad. You're repressed, you're harassed, you're told how to look and where to look and why to look. Honestly, do you really like wearing boots with a mini-skirt? It's ugly, dammit. So stop it. Just wear jeans, just be comfortable.
Why do we repress women? Because us guys are horny. That may be a simple summation but, it's true. We. are. Horny. Eve was created when Adam got lonely. Makes me wonder if Adam had genitalia before woman. Hmm... I wonder... King Kong doesn't have balls. But that's beside the point.

However, women do run this world because guys are horny. We think with our penises. If the penises' lovers don't put out then we are powerless. Laura Bush probably has the President pussy-whipped. Laura Bush probably calls on the shots. I don't believe the bullshit about war once a month. If a woman actually came to the forefront, it'd be the same as it ever was--just with the penis on the wayside--which'd make us flacid. Terrible. It's the penis, it's the ego, that keep Martha in the kitchen.

Rise up against the misogyny, my sisters.

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