Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Everything changed on a New Year's Day.

We as a nation are trillions of dollars in debt because weaponry costs more than peace and diplomacy. We spend more money on weapons than food. And that's maddening. We are no longer the isolationist nation we used to pride ourselves on being (but, really, were we ever?), thrusting ourselves like knives or penises into foreign affairs. I wish we spread more diplomacy that bombs.

It's because countries have the same mentality and animal instinct that all humans have. To be bigger, to be better. That great, competitive drive. In the words of Trevor Hoffman, "It's a lot cooler to strike out someone with an overpowering fastball than a changeup." Changeups are food drops and helping the starving millions both here and abroad. Here, too, we have the starving people, despite our great supermarkets. And we are interested in helping out terrorism? What is terrorism but a great relative term now given to "those goddam A-rabs?"

If there are to be numerous weapons, I at least want honesty in exchange. Why are we in Iraq? Is it because the Middle East has 2\3rds of the oil reserves?

Drop food not bombs. Ole cliche and I'm serious.


On a lighter note, I got tickets to Coachella. Be jealous.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok, my comment is gonna be kinda broad. as far as spreading peace rather than guns per say, i think most people would agree w/ u except for the interference of what we call reality. it's a completely idealistic view, just like your socialism is. it doesn't work in the real world and it's been proven time after time. besides, w/ world peace everyone would have to have the same view as everyone on everything, therefore giving us no reason to act defensive or rather offensive at all. but as always, some mother fucker comes along and fucks everything up. i'm not saying we should live by "do on to others before they do onto you", but to not be such hippies about everything (ironic that that should be my display name). but look at the world as it is and kno that certain actions r necessary at certain times. as far as the war in Iraq goes, good idea at first, not so much now. basically the odds r working against Bush and he just needs to fess up to it :/