Tuesday, January 23, 2007

You can sit on chimneys and put some fire up your ass.

I've said it before, and it' s going to be reiterated because of these comments.

If you are going to disagree with me and say that something is "retarded," please at least give a solid reason and not just come back a minute later and "second" the first "retarded" comment. Give me reason, and, c'mon, give me your name! What is really retarded is when people are so opinionated and yet can't put a name to their "taboo" statements or even have a reason for being "taboo." That's something I've found is that an opinion held in fear is an opinion held anonymously. At least Bethany, a while ago, had the guts to step up and say, "'Twas me, mofo!" That type of thing I dig upon. "Retarded," I do not.

Justify nothing, believe in everything. Except what Anonymous says.

Never fear the idea. Never fear the opinion. Never fear growth and rebuttal. Never fear being wrong. It's sad that the great intrinsic feeling is that to be wrong is to be dumb, when, in reality, wrongness is the the first step towards wisdom. Freedom takes mistakes. Without, we are hollow. Without wrong, there is no right. Without bad, there is no good. For it is the bad that carves that great chasm that will be filled up by the Goodness of God that is more pure than any Christmas gift and more gratifying than any candy in any egg found on any Easter. The bad is pivotal because it points out the good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Though I'm not sure I used the word "mofo," exactly. ;) I miss you, smarty pants.