Tuesday, February 20, 2007

She was into S&M and Bible Study


Let's think about this one. I don't know anymore about them. I'm too much of a dickslap to be handled by any of them, and I'm too wrapped up in my own fear of hurting someone else to even take the first step towards a relationship. I no longer care about myself, it's the sheer implication that I'm so scared that what I am will not be something that any woman will like, will dig, will go for.

High School broke me. I was who I was not. And suddenly, I am. And I am shy as fuck. I am nervous as shit--"shakin' like a dog shittin' razor blades." It's how I seem to be, that far down. But beyond? Yea, we're all the same. We all suffer the same fate, the same reality, the same anti-reality. We are our own antithesis.

I am the Lion down the yellow brick. Down and down and down.

But enough about me.


They're God's chosen companion. They're our chosen companion. They are the first-mate and the guide and the reason why we reach port. Without a companion, without a guide, all men are lost at sea. Women are of men, but men are not without women. How strange is that? That we only flourish via the secondary, making it the first. ¿Verdad? I don't know. I think it makes sense. I have so much respect for women and all the tiring work they've borne. They are support, yet they are often the lead covertly. This is why we've never had a single president. Men need direction. And women lead and lead and lead.

Down and down and down.

Beginning again, but only over and over. Tell me the truth, I am angry. Tell me the truth, I am full to the brim with the Sadness.

I'm afraid of God. I am lost at sea.

"Caught him napping and picked him off at first!"


Anonymous said...


Lauren Bell always says that Satan is jealous of women because God gave her beauty and the ability to create life. Before women, Satan was God's beautiful creation. And he's jealous of our ability to create life, which he can't do. I thought it was a cool thought.

and i agree that music is amazing. i dont have time to go into it, but i could write a term paper on it (oh wait! i already did that!).


Anonymous said...

i honestly don't kno what to say anymore...i've posted so many freakin comments on your blogs that i'm running out of optimistic things to say. so frankly, i'll tell u the dirt down truth: u r scared to be in a relationship right now?, well so what. many of us are and we just can't admit it. it may be true that now that u r away from high school and all its clicks that u r finally starting to realize who u really r...or maybe just starting to embrace yourself which u were ashamed or scared to do before. but i wouldn't worry too much. if a grl comes along and u seem to really like her, then just relax and hang loose. as cliche as this may sound, if she doesn't like u for who u r, drop her little ass off cuz she's not worth any of your time or effort. for the meantime, enjoy being single: it's not a curse :)

as for your opinion of women holding such high status, i think it's only fair to say they hold the same place as men. men r always regarded as the ones with the common sense and the extinct to protect their wife and children, and women as the beings w/ compassion and understanding that makes the environment of their household so lovely. but your view is good too :) idk really about woman's place w/ God and such...there's never really an answer to stuff like that. it's all up to interpretation and bias, and we all have our share of bias :/

Anonymous said...

Wow... im not sure i completely understand the whole thing but the part on women... i liked. You never cease to amaze me.