Sunday, April 08, 2007

The boat you know she's still rockin' it... yehh

Easter is about the whole resurrection of Christ thing. But this is more about the Good Friday Actions I think. The whole crucifixion thing. What was the big deal? How can such a grand metaphysical thing as sin and the whole vague idea of morality be transmuted into such an act as a typical Roman punishment. Peter's crucifixion hurt more because he was hung upside down.

So maybe it's not the physical pain that Christ experienced--that was pretty normal--but rather the mental strife that he experienced. Knowing that he could, at any moment, step off that cross and give the finger to the whole idea of being the savior. Defecting from his own teachings. But instead, he suffered through the decision of his own doing through the 4 hours. Choosing crucifixing, committing suicide in the name of a cause when you know you could tell the whole idea to go hell is probably way more tortuous than what the criminals around him were experiencing.

And the idea is further carried by the fact that the worst sins are those that are mental. Lust and the like. Because it's destroying yourself. And your body is a temple defiled by the beggars.

Another thought, a little more psychadelic, is that our sins are time travellers. That, once committed, they are slashed upon Christ's back during those four hours. And those hours are his unending hell. You know God can do anything so this could also be a possibility.

But anyway, that's what Good Friday's about. The Easter Bunny is the fucking man.

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