Thursday, April 26, 2007

Go on Down

Coachella is this weekend. Nobody reads this since I deleted mySpace. I realize that. I never post anything significant, anyway.

My book is coming along just fine, if you're wondering... I'm afraid of it, so I haven't been writing much lately. The whole giant idea scares me. The whole Giant scares me. Coming down from the hillside when in reality it is us.

I'm awake beacuse I fell asleep and couldn't wake up. And now I'm awake. I'm apologizing. And this is for you, isn't it. Believe in me. Pray for me. Keep me safe. Right? Because we all know that pain is somehow tied to insolence.

The Problem of evil: maybe evil is some sort of good? That definitely be an explanation for why there's suffering without seeming justification. I no longer think we are pre-destined. Free will is the only rational, previously justified reason for the existence of both God and evil. Tandem sort of thing. But maybe evil is just a masking of good? And all great mythology, all great stories, require some sort of weight and counter-weight to teeter the totter of atheist theism. Three years later, Billy Pilgrim would die, wouldn't you know. Episodic. Virulent. Dying tonight to brush my teeth and crawl away and die. Don't be afraid of Him.

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