Sunday, July 29, 2007

That is that and this is this... when the ocean met the sky.

I'm reading the last Harry Potter book. I want to ruin it by reading the Wikipedia page on it. I already read some things that would have otherwise been unknown. F'in A, man. The things you can get on the internet.

I went to a club last night for the first time, smoking my way through the night. Check it out: it's this club V.I.P. and it's supposed to be a gay club. But I didn't get hit on once. I was disappointed, almost. And the DJ kept looking at me, and I kept thinking of John Cusack in High Fidelity, and how he met his girlfriend who he's trying to mend things. Then I thought of how that movie reminded me of Annie Hall with a musical subtext. Then I thought of, "Sometimes, when I'm driving alone at night..." And a funny-as-hell young Christopher Walken in a great cameo. Jeff Goldblum was in that movie too, with one line: "Hey, yea, I forgot. What my mantra again?" And then I thought of the "I'm a Pepper shirt" he was wearing in The Life Aquatic when he was playing cards with his Phillipino Pirate captors. And all that led to a smile on my face as I looked upon some very pretty young ladies I hope to see again one day.

And, speaking of Wes Anderson, The Darjeeling Limited gets released on Sept. 28th or 29th or Oct. 5th, depending on your source. That's two weeks after 3:10 to Yuma, and one week after The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, two westerns I'm excited for. I like Westerns. They're epic, they're big. Sergio Leone is a bad ass. Sergio Corbucci? Thanks for Django. It was weird.

I know that made me sound like a film geek, but I haven't even seen the Godfather. I haven't seen Bullfighter, though I say I like Scorsese's work. I haven't see Once Upon a Time in the West, though I say I like Westerns. Yea, see, what the hell is wrong with me?

Oh, right. I'm 19 and a disillusioned youth. I've been reading too much Harry Potter.

"as the cardinal hits the window."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

no more keeping track of the days?