Sunday, November 05, 2006

As if this will change your life.

Use life as a catalyst, not as a purgatory.

Don't be an asshole, unless someone really deserves it.

Be honest, man up when you're not.

You are perfect.

Be as pure as you can be, however you can be, whatever that may be.

Do not sit when you can stand; do not sing when you can shout.

Fear to be alone is one of the most hindering things a person can contain. Strike out on your own.

Be syllogistic and have sound reasoning.

Try not to be didactic.

Laugh more than you cry; keep the ratio as high as possible: for in laughter there are only tears of joy. Tears of sorrow will bring you more sorrow. However, everyone needs a good cry now and again. Tears of joy should roll more than tears of sorrow.


Seek out love but do not be disheartened when it does not come in the form you preferred. The form of love God has for you is shapeless, and he will give you a love--as well as his love--that will be shapeless also.

Stretch your soul out to meet the needs of others.

Smile often, hug often--touch heals.

Eat well, be well.

Never be narrowminded or shut up inside of yourself. Always be honest.

Never be afraid.

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