Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Smokin' Cigarettes and Watchin' Captain Kangaroo.

I often struggle with the idea of existence... If we are all of carbon, then are we not all the same? And if we are all in God's image, of God's created dust, are we not, then, God--especially if we are but mere facsimiles oh so so so distorted of the true and most beautiful Christ?

I will be the first to admit that existence would be much easier without life.

And I will be the first to state, here, that the Mountains will move come time soon, and that the Rocks with speak praises and hymns. I will say here that LOVE means more than BELIEFS. I will say that our actions in love speak louder than our words in vernacular--as in, a hug often outweighs the weight of the passive use of the verb "fuck."

It is absurd to think that Jesus\Christ came to the Earth to destroy the legalism that we have returned to. Jesus made reversals and corrolaries, not new laws entirely. Paul made suggestions, not reprieves and judgments and "musts." How holistically distorted is our perception of the Great and Wonderful Father who I often hate so much for making me me!

I will be the first to admit that I blame everything on God, yet I also praise God for everything. For he is all good and all evil and all things beyond all things. Christ and Jesus and Man of God of Man beyond all perceived reality.

I am bipolar, I am man, I am one of God's chosen.

I am weak, I cry, I suffer from too much pathos. Beware.

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