Sunday, April 20, 2008

My phone has been on the fritz ever since I got back from Spring Break. Not sending text messages, not receiving them. And, today, it's beginning to overheat unless I plug it in. the battery's completely shot to hell, I hate technology. It'd probably help if I weren't dropping it all the damn time, but what can you do--I've got butter fingers (on the note of butter, when I was little, I used to actually lick the stick in the fridge when no one was looking. Sorry family.).

On another note, I've been struck with this great idea for a movie. I've begun outlining it but I won't state it here because of my paranoia. You know how it is. Tentatively called the Coma, though that's a bit non-subtle.

I had an interesting dream last night about watching this movie where this guy was caught in a pyramid scheme, trying to sell another guy chocolate. And then, later, you see him with bad acne, and I turned to Kelley and said, "He's just been eating the chocolate!" My dreams have become more vivid and paranoid as of late. It worries me because that means that there's something churning inside me that I'm scared of. I know this because last time dreams like the current ones happened, I was getting ready to come up to Humboldt. But, now, I don't know why they're happening. There's something going on and I don't know what it is. Maybe finals coming up, maybe the research paper or the other paper I've already finished. Who knows. I'll figure it out and get back to you.

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