Saturday, April 12, 2008

Yesterday fever, tomorrow Saint Peter

I find it interesting that, with each step we take, we leave a little piece of the sole of our shoes. That is why the tread wears down, we've left little pieces behind with every step and our soles can only take so many steps before they need to be renewed. Boy, no wonder sole and soul are homonyms. We step on both, we leave pieces of each behind in all places--those English-makin' folks knew what they were doing in this case.

Knew and new I haven't figured out yet. Or why there's two to and too. Or there their and they're. But the latter's connections are within context--and contexually fixed words aren't generally very meaningful by themselves. They're filler for their own devices over there in their little world they've created. But and butt is another one--one t means you've got something else to say and sometimes its bad. Butt means ass-end of something. Probably from buttock.

English is one fucked up language.

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