Thursday, June 30, 2005

Pickled Frivolity

In an illustrious fit of boredom, I have decided to.... Goddammit. I lost my flow.

Ok. I have decided that the soundtrack for The Pirates of the Caribbean can be utilized for any intense scene in any intense movie. Take Passion of the Christ. Coulda totally worked. It's like how Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon synced up with Wizard of Oz. PotC OST fits with any movie. T2, we can do that. It's just like staples. Yea, they can do that.

Speaking of PotC, the sequel comes out soon with the subtitle: Dead Man's Chest. Everyone has reprised their rolls it looks like and it is planned for a 2006 debut including Keira Knightly who looks amazing even when she's being harassed by dead pirates. And, what the hell? GEOFFREY RUSH returns as BARBOSSA. That mothafucka's supposed to be dead. Well, at least he can have an apple now. I think he has an apple fetish.

Yea. Okay, I'm psyched.

Other movies I'm psyched for:

Potter 4
King Kong
Inglorious Bastards

Oh yea, and, uh, the Bible Code says that the end of the world is in 2006, get your ass ready for the apocalypse. God I hope I get to graduate.

Listen to Daniel Tosh, Dane Cook, Mitch Hedberg, Brian Regan, Pablo Francisco.

Oh, and Cyndi Lauper.

War of the Worlds review

What the hell. This Cruise\Spielberg vehicle is so taut with emotion that it just makes you laugh. By the time Rachel (played wonderfully by Dakota Fanning) goes out and sees bodies floating down the Hudson River, more than half the theater I was in was laughing because it was just too much. I remember Cameron Crowe discussing the "You had me at 'hello'" speech in Jerry Maguire and how, in any movie, it can just become too much and over the top. This movie was unrelenting in gore and frenzy. At points it almost felt like The Passion of the Christ meets Independence Day. You just could not watch anymore.

But when they move to the basement with Tim Robbins' totally whacked out character, the movie slows and the tension of the scenes there dwindles because it's the same old shit. There is a scene in the basement when an alien eye that's like a snake comes into the room to search for movement. They run around trying to avoid it and it just felt like a rehash of the scene from Minority Report where he had to get his eyes scanned because, inevitably, they are seen.

The ending, which I won't spoil for you, was disappointing and totally expected... But it seemed so abrupt and nonsensical. By the 90 minute mark of this 116 minute film I was utterly lost and utterly bored. I was left with questions after it and none could be answered.

This is the first movie in almost four years to mention terrorists. It takes a veiled swipe at the whole situation with downed airplanes and all the refugees trying to get away from the Big Evil. If I had to make a call, I would say that the screenwriters, Josh Friedman and David Koepp, were liberals. Tom Cruise's character represents stagnancy and the want to do nothing while Tim Robbins' character represents the Bush administration and their want to do everything wrong. This movie has made a mockery of the metaphor that is so tried to valiantly portray. However, this story, in any manifestation, has come at a time of uncertainty. 1898, with england on the verge of war. 1938, with England on the brink of war again. 2005, with America delved into a war.

Spielberg does a good job of doing his usual thing of bringing the human elements to the film but, like in Terminator 2, it just becomes too much as we approach the 18th shot of Cruise's eyes all welled up or Fanning screaming in the backseat. It became real then too real then over the top then comical. With a film like this, apathy can do nothing but set in.

I can't recommend this film for two reasons: Confusion, acting, and Cruise's bash of Psychiatry.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Spouting Off.

You'll come around, you'll come around, that's what they always said. But I never did when she never did. and now I'm dead in this vile movement, covered in a blanket of lies that is so warm yet so cold yet so comforting... The truth can be vile but the lies can be even worse. Believe in me, oh please, believe in me.

surprise sometime
I'll come around
surprise sometime
I'll come around
I will surprise you sometime
I'll come around
I will surprise you sometime
I'll come around
when you're down

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Part III: Six Flags over Texas

Probably the best park on the trip... Here's the Trip Report, pictures below.

So after driving the 287 miles from San Antonio to Arlington we went to SFoT last night. Our first impression of the park was that it was older that SFFT (duh) and more wooded. I got my first ride on Titan and, yea, that second helix makes it a brand new ride...made the ride longer, too.

After that I went over and rode TX Giant which is a great coaster. It could be better but, since I haven't ridden an excellent woodie in a long time, this one was great. Good pops of airtime and a great finale.

Batman: The Ride was Batman: The Ride with different surroundings.

Mr. Freeze was straight up bitchin' except the station was hotter than hell even though it was themed to an ice cream factory. What the f? I liked the launch and the ride itself, short and sweet but loads of fun.

Judge Roy Scream was all right, but, I'll get to that one later.

After those few rides we left the park and proceeded to go to dinner at a local place called Whataburger (mmm mmm b***h), and to bed.

The next morning I woke up at 540 feeling like total crap. I went to the bathroom and took some Ibuprofen. My dad woke up so we went and got continental breakfast, then went back to bed.

We woke up at 930 and caught The Trolley to the park. Holy. s**t. it was hot (101 degrees with about 60% humidity). My dad and I struggled through a few rides not worth mentioning and then went back to the hotel for a nap.

Woke up at 430, went to The Waffle House for Lunch/Dinner and then went back to the park.

I got on Shockwave, their Schwarzkopf looper, and loved it. Good forces and a few good pops of airtime.

La Vibora is...well...strange... Definitely not "Cool Runnings" but it is a strange coaster. I caught some of the strangest airtime ever on this ride. Overall, it was good, but the parts where we caught the brakes were jarring and rough.

I rode their S&S double shot but it was kinda crappy compared to Scream at SFFT. Superman: Tower of Power was the only ride to have a single rider line, though.

Flashback was a boomerang, blech.

Now, I gave Judge Roy Scream another shot in the front row and it was better... I tried the back and caught some airtime, but it needed to be smoothed out at the bottom of some of the drops. It was ok...

Runaway Mine Train was something that merely wet my whistle and caused a lust for Space Mountain to come back. It was interesting and was nice to have it in the dark.

Overall, the park was nice and clean but I think I liked SFFT better. Though it only had two good coasters, there were more places to sit and cool off from the Texas heat from Hell.


The entrance to the park like whoa-ohoh. Yea, just kidding. The entrance was actually very nice.

This park had some rather cool roller coasters... That's Mr. Freeze, their Premier LIM launcher and on the right is their Batman: The Ride. Rather standard but a great ride nonetheless.

That over there is Titan. You may think, "Hey! That looks exactly like Goliath at Magic Mountain! Yea! Well, it is, except for their's a second knockout helix before the midcourse brakes.

That's the first helix that is NOT on Goliath at Magic Mountain. And YES, it makes it a better ride.

Mistah Freeze.

They had a nice choo-choo as well.

The Texas Giant: the second best woodie on this trip.

This'll probably be the last of these updates because I'm moving all the pictures over to a Yahoo photo Album thing. So, expect a link to that later. Aight?

A note on the Mars Volta

Consider the elephant. Put him in a cage and he stomps around wildly trying to get out, breating only to find a new strategy. Put him in the wilderness and he mosies around with interesting moments here and there that are exquisite nonetheless.

The caged elephant is their first album, Deloused in the Comatorium; it's tight and doesn't have much wiggle room. They harnessed their talent really well.

The wild elephant is Frances the Mute. Excellent moments, but it meanders towards those moments and you really have to be patient to not press fast forward.

I have come to the conclusion that, because of this analogy, I enjoy Deloused better than FTM because FTM is just too spaced out. You have to wait too much through miscellaneous noise that is of no interest.

"Oy Prick, you've got red on ye."

Un Poema

I wrote this poem last night... it doesn't have a title... I then ask you to read the poem and then comment on what you think the title should be. Okay? Ready, go.

Above the graveyard,
in the old
there's a light on in the upstairs
The one second from the right...
A ghost or perhaps the keeper of the crypts
the ossuaries
the mausoleums.
Or perhaps he's just a necrophilic hobo.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Part II: Fiesta Texas

Six Flags Fiesta Texas. The best of the three parks I visited. Good atmosphere, light crowds, good rides. Yesss.... Full Trip Report below. Click on the picture for the full size image.


Superman: Krypton Koaster. Hell yes. Probably the best ride on the trip.

It's built right into the side of the canyon. Suh-weet.

Me in the S:KK station...

The lines (or lack thereof) we encountered the ENTIRE trip.

Scream! It's their S&S double shot tower.

"Say hello to my little friend!" Speedy Gonzalez is one bad motha--shut yo' mouth!

Oh-kay. One park down... two to go. Hasta manana!

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Concerto in F

I wrote this poem during the second movement of Gershwin's Concerto in F

I can lie in wait now
knowing that I've fucked up
because Gershwin's Concerto in
is so fucking right.
I love her and the first movement,
has passed...
and now,
onn the second movement
i wait for the third movement and all this pain to pass.
O daughters let's go down
let's godown
let's go down
down to the river to pray.

as if now I'd ever tell you anything...

TX pictures'll be back tomorrow. I had a bad day.

Texas like whoa

OK, so. I just spent 11 days in Texas and, damn. It was hot. I visited three theme parks (see below for those trip reports) and relatives. Uhm, it was fun all together despite how bleeding hot it was.

The Pictures I: Random

That, my friends, is the greatest piece of baby clothing ever conceived.

That's Mortimer the Great on the right. On the left is his next victim. Mortimer the Great was the protector of our love 91 Buick Park Ave. for most of the trip.

This is our plate thing from Whataburger. Whataburger is this burger place that is ALL OVER Texas and New Mexico. It's delicious. The only problem is that there are none like, west of Tucson, AZ.

My third or fourth empty coke glass from breakfast with the relatives at IHOP.

Me and my niece, Martin, at his house.

Guess who!

The price is wrong, Bob!

This is me, watching the Price is Right. "Don't be like me, kids!"

I visited five Costco's on this trip. Pathetic.

Waffle House. 'nuff said.

The Thing? Just what is The Thing? It will haunt you for the rest of your life... or this update...which ends now.

Next stop, tomorrow, FIESTA TEXAS!!!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


I'll have a TX update soon, when I'm not so tired.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Two Week Break

This blog will be going silent for two weeks since I will be taking a trip to Texas. Wahoo. Read some of the other posts, why dontcha?

Thursday, June 09, 2005

School is Almost out. I have a typewriter.

Okay, so. in about 26 hours, I will be burning all my papers in a rebellious frenzy. On campus. Yes....

So, ok. I got this IBM Selectric II typewriter the other day. It's almost as even a near-antique piece of machinery has breathed new life into my writing. Sure, it doesn't have spell check and I hafta randomly insert Camera directions with an (OH YEA) in front of them, but, for some reason, it's almost therapeutic, like playing a percussion instrument. You can beat it until the fingers begin to bleed a bit. You can actually hear the idle hum of though as the fan beneath cools it. And you can hear the smash of progress, the smash of paradigms as the keys are hit. Oh god, it's beautiful. Go to your local thrift store and buy a typewriter.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


I've been in love, and it's gone no where... yet? nope, never...

Oh, doubters, let's go down
Won't you come on down to the river to pray?
"But I'm so small i can barely be seen.
How can this great love be inside of me?"
Look at your eyes,
They're small in size, but they see enormous things.

I just need to love Christ...

Monday, June 06, 2005

Lost in Sinai

Hiiiiiii.... I don't think this is read by anyone...

Watch the film "Reservoir Dogs"

Sunday, June 05, 2005

God created iMovie to torture me...

So, I get a call around, oh, 5:25. Miss Bethany wants me to help with their video... Little did I know that the video involved 45 minutes of footage and Miss Merry (Lauren? [Merry?]) Bell's father having to buy a cable.
Thus, 45 minutes was drawn out to about three hours of importing, intermissed by a delicious steak dinner (Thank You!!!!) and meeting the Bell family and Becca and Amanda Douglas and Bethany and Bailey their dog whom I thought was named after the alcoholic drink but was named after... slipped my mind... Wahoo.

And now, after all that, I sit at a computer. Again. I'm a dork.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Not everything is serious... I'm only in High School, you see?

Today is a monumental day. I signed out of mySpace for the very last time. Mark these words on its grave:
"Faithful in wasting time,
"Cunningly time consuming
"Killer of whales [dont ask]
"Youthfully compassionate, mindlessly open,
"Openly pedophilic
"Unending bastardization of American Youth"

Word my niggas.