Thursday, June 09, 2005

School is Almost out. I have a typewriter.

Okay, so. in about 26 hours, I will be burning all my papers in a rebellious frenzy. On campus. Yes....

So, ok. I got this IBM Selectric II typewriter the other day. It's almost as even a near-antique piece of machinery has breathed new life into my writing. Sure, it doesn't have spell check and I hafta randomly insert Camera directions with an (OH YEA) in front of them, but, for some reason, it's almost therapeutic, like playing a percussion instrument. You can beat it until the fingers begin to bleed a bit. You can actually hear the idle hum of though as the fan beneath cools it. And you can hear the smash of progress, the smash of paradigms as the keys are hit. Oh god, it's beautiful. Go to your local thrift store and buy a typewriter.

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