Sunday, June 26, 2005

A note on the Mars Volta

Consider the elephant. Put him in a cage and he stomps around wildly trying to get out, breating only to find a new strategy. Put him in the wilderness and he mosies around with interesting moments here and there that are exquisite nonetheless.

The caged elephant is their first album, Deloused in the Comatorium; it's tight and doesn't have much wiggle room. They harnessed their talent really well.

The wild elephant is Frances the Mute. Excellent moments, but it meanders towards those moments and you really have to be patient to not press fast forward.

I have come to the conclusion that, because of this analogy, I enjoy Deloused better than FTM because FTM is just too spaced out. You have to wait too much through miscellaneous noise that is of no interest.

"Oy Prick, you've got red on ye."

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