Saturday, September 03, 2005


What is hate? Color vs. color? Skin vs. skin? White vs. black vs. mexican vs. asian? I just finished watching American History X and it changed my perspective on the whole matter of racism and hatred towards those that are unlike you. We can laugh all we want because Jim Crow is funny, because repression happens every day, but the reality is this: Jim Crow is and repression is. Is it really that hard? Is the tension really that deep?

To me, the whole idea of racial inequality is merely a group of elitists from any race that want to keep the others from feeling this elitism and pride. The Civil War, for example. In the South, a war was fought for the upper-crust-aristocracy-slavetrade. The ones that went to war were the younger people, the people who were too poor to have slaves and, yes, when drastic came to drastic, even the slave owners. But the only ones that felt and knew the reason for war were the slave owners. They understood that they were fighting to not destroy the society that they had created. And, suddenly, their world fell apart.

Hatred is a stupid thing. "Life's too short to be pissed off," is one of Edward Furlong's (Danny) closing lines. It's too true, those words. The fact that people can spend one-third of their time and the others hating others and waiting for their chances exploit their hate is pathetic while the exploited create an identity for themselves in America. Who, culturally, is the most prominent in Southern California? Los immigrantes.Why? Because they were preoccupied with creating a name for themself. That was until they started to fight with the blacks over who the better minority was.

I don't understand it all, but I want to. Why do we hate? Why do we want the tension? Is it because we want to be remembered? Dr. King created tension via non-violent means and, shazam! forty years later, we're still celebrating his doings. Malcolm X tried, in the beginning, to use the i'm-gonna-get-you-if-you-don't-give-me tactics but was coming more towards Dr. King's policy before both were assassinated in the late 60's.

Brothers, sisters, daughters, sons, mothers, husbands, fathers, wives, I plead and beg with you that we must get along, that we must turn the other cheek, that we must believe in an idea of one and an idea of equality or else our world with go to hell, our world will become what it wants to be: an animal rage embellished by our so-called intelligence.

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