Thursday, September 01, 2005

Mother Nature: Terrorista.

Devastation. Death toll in the thousands. National Tragedy. What is President Bush to do? Last time you heard words like that the terrorists had brought down a skyscraper and we immediately went to war. Now, Hurricane Katrina has caused the same type of devastation, if not worse, and we cannot go to war with mother nature. What is President Bush to do? Americans are banding together and donating money to ease the everything-loss in the south, but how are we to get those people out of the superdome? Isn't it far too easy for one person to just let off shots and genocide to ensue? These people can't go anywhere, and when the evacuee busses arrive, people are fleeing to them as if it's The Day After Tomorrow. It's as if the third-world-reversion in New Orleans has no way of changing. They say it could take years to rebuild and months to drain the water out of the areas, but what then? Do people return to houses where there's nothing but soggy carpet and leaking insulation? It's beyond my grasp to think how we are going to fix what happened in a few short hours.

Mother Nature. Aint she a bitch?

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