Sunday, September 11, 2005

Tortura o furio?

During the summer, I watched a movie entitled "Invisible Children" which is about Ugandan kids who flee to Sudan at night to escape the rebel army. The reason they're fleeing from the rebel army is because this particular militia enslaves young children, kidnapping them and showing them violence to scare them into staying.

The whole "take them in early and brainwash, brainwash, brainwash," made me think of the Christian, Catholic, muslim, Mormon, Church in general and how they handle sunday school. Is it brainwashing with felt boards instead of guns? Or is it something different? I came back from this camp and looked around, they were doing the same thing, showing information in a gripping way with semi-scary stories to keep kids coming back.

However, there is a difference that I overlooked: choice. In these rebel armies, you are kidnapped and forced but in religion, you have a choice to leave though it may feel like you are kidnapped and forced by your parents to go sometimes. How could I have overlooked that? Because few people ever leave their roots, and look past their choice to turn against Allah or Joseph Smith or Christ.

Happy September 11th.

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