Thursday, September 21, 2006

1\5th to the Commonwealth, and the Rest to the Track!

In Southern California, and across the nation, there is a Christian radio station poignantly called "Air1 Radio." They are a radio-station run by the donations of customers (who probably feel that they can tithe to this corporation instead of their local church), and one that has brought up a point to me concerning Christian culture.
In 2004, I listened to this radio station with vigor, trying to be a good Christian boy. Sure, some of the songs got old, but I figured it would change, and it was not like it was the only radio station. However, by the end of that year, when I had realized that all the music was not very good, and that it all had the same homogenous faith in Jesus message (but faith is relative to the person, ye naysayers!), I stopped listening to this station. It got old, plain and simple. It got to be overbearing, bland, and downright silly. I took them out of my programmed radio stations, and have not listened to them much since.
What has happened though, is that, now, two years later, I can change to that station at any given time and, 9 times out of 10, hear one of the same songs I heard in 2004, as if there need not be new music since there is not a new bible, not a new message, not a new struggle--one faith under God. With songs that have been playing out their welcome for two years, with the same ideals being passed around, with the same voices being heard and new ideas not being acknowledged, the problem has pronounced itself:
There is stagnancy in the Christian church. The waves have stopped crashing against the sand, the undercurrent of thought has slowed to breaking.
Our faith is supposed to be living, it is supposed to be growing as we ask and seek and knock. The only reason Paul thanks God for the Thessalonians is because their faith was growing, not because their faith had grown and plateaued. It is true, yes, that faith does often plateau, but it is still supposed to be that we are to escape this mesa, and turn it back into a mountain.
But how are we to turn flat into angled when all life reflects society?
I guess it's time to call them out on this type of bullshit. No movement, no current, no waves, no truth.

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