Monday, September 04, 2006

What new mystery is this?

First in a month

Here I sit,

at a computer that is brand new,

one which I barely know...

Off to college!

Had to get one!

Oh bullshit,

it's a computer I don't really need,

and I know that... paper would have

and always has


But then again,

I'm a horrible





and so maybe this can help me

make that


that everyone

has their butt-cheeks squeezed taut over.

I'm not sure, though,

maybe I should have waited a week to determine the workload,

taken a day off?

no, not this early in the semester,

although this is when it’d be the simplest.

Get a syllabus,

do the work,


Use Mordecai

(Maybe he shoulda been named ICHIRO!!! since it's branded Japanese.)

and live.

Get to seminary,

make some cash money

anally raping people out of theirs

at a consumer electronics store...

And finally reading the Fucking Sound and the Fury

Oh Faulkner.

Faulkner it all indeed.

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