Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Message sent to Air1, regarding my previous essay.

In 2004, I was an avid listener to Air1, absorbing all its messages, all its factions, all of its often-conservative push and lean and pull.

The drug-related testimonies really dug into me like a dull blade, creating a gash that was tattered around the edges and orange with contempt--Can we not have God without the drugs? Are we allowed a Christ which we are led to without the negative influence shoving us into his loving arms? Why didn't I ever hear that?

I stopped listening, though, around December, 2004. The station has become a joke since then--turn it on to hear the same old songs from 2004, with a marginal chance of hearing something new.

Your music's message has grown stagnant: A homogenous faith that is naught but what one person believes it to be. One view, one mind, one God. But the one God can be interpreted an infinite amount of ways. He is God, we are human. And my faith has grown away from Air1, from your message--not because it's blasphemy, but because it's stale.

You may choose to retort with the fact that bands have yet to release a new album in a few years (Like Barlow Girl). But then I also bring up FM Static's song "Crazy Mary" which was just recently played this morning [9\26\06 2:00 AM], according to your recent plays list. It was played despite the fact that there are 12 new songs from their Album "Critically Ashamed" to be played.

Sure, other radio stations have repetition, but at least it's indicative of what's current, what's new. There's an ebb and flow to Christianity, there's an ebb and flow to music, there's relativity to everything...

Except, seemingly, Air1, who stubbornly stays put with their old songs and their same-old message. Yes, Jesus died on the cross. Yes, I want a faith like that, to see the dead rise, etcetera. But what about the effects of faith on life? What about the struggles, the doubts of the infallibility, what about the trite, collective, "I'm sorrys" that often come with lulls in Christians as they all, in conjunction, realize their faults, and have their doubts.

Where are your doubts, Air1?


They apparently get 5000 emails a month, so I may have to wait awhile for a response. But I'll definitely post their response once I receive it. And I will get one... Unlike the emails I sent to Ray Comfort, the renowned Christian Evangelist. I had so many questions, that only he could answer, because those were his beliefs, and yet he never responded to me. But if I do get a response, I'll make damn sure to post that one too.

No response, no feedback, no discussion--just one person, on his soap box, speechifying, expecting everyone in the arena to be in agreeance... When most are in grievance.

No big Church.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i thought air1 took requests? maybe not lol i dont know. i just figured thats why they played the old songs. ive never tried to find out haha.