Friday, September 29, 2006

Will you carry me across the sea....?

John 14:6 was God, whom Jesus is part and parcel of. It was God saying, "No one gets to God but through God." If we ca believe in a trinity, why can't we believe in a polynity? Jesus's death was the final atonement, the final sacrifice, the final need for any sort of enlightenment. Prophesy will still remain, but new religions will pass away. I need to find biblical evidence for that one.

Religious boundaries make sense in the context of human life. We cannot fathom something without boudnaries. We write in paragraphs, end our sentences with periods. We live in countries and are afraid of supposed aliens.

Thus, closed religious thought follows suit to all we live.

But doesn't God transcend all we live...?

I hate to come back to inclusionistic thinking, but that's how it goes, I guess...

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