Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Lost in the Rain in Juarez, and it's Eastertime, too.

There should be no need for bumperstickers of WWJD, no bracelets, nothing to pronounce your faith. No ticket stubs from new FoxFaith movies soon to be debuting. Christian faith is supposed to be the inside glowing out from every pore of your body, not an adornment on your body or on your car...

All those crosses, all those shirts, all those John 3:16 posters, all those amusements that loudly proclaim that "I have Jesus, and, if you did too, you could legitimately wear this kind-of-badass T-Shirt," all those things are just a ploy for the piety that the Bible calls us against. We're supposed to be humble like Jesus Christ, as Christians who are supposed to be Christ-like--humble even in the way we represent our faith. What starts as a whisper, often gains steam and becomes movement, but a shout often echoes off the canyons and dies away, much like a fad, much like The Passion of the Christ.

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