Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Calling of Ezekiel.

All the science, all the biology, is well and fine, dear. Yes. It's all nice.

But does it explain the soul? That epitome, that apex so far down and so far up that its existence is as crucial as the heart's?

The soul is, definitely, different. The Heart, it is real, tangible, on all those charts--and then it is transformed into a metaphor for valor and bravery, etc. The mind, too, is that pudding inside our head that controls everything we do--and then is transformed into a metaphor for our thoughts and our will-to-do.

But the soul! Oh! It is metaphor through and through for it cannot be caught and biopsied. It cannot be seen in any of its forms for they are all metaphysical, they are all beyond science. The soul's of man are what make God exist.

For God is beyond science.

The Souls of man are what prove God exists.

God exists because he is my soul.

If I had no God, if I had no soul, if at the bottom of me, deep down and at the bottom of my wishing well of emotions, down past the mind and heart, if there was merely a great divide, merely air, merely soveirgnty, I would be nothing.

But there is something there--a great love. A great cloud. A great foundation to hold the great weight of all my heart's desires and my mind's worry. It is the resting place of all things that man takes upon itself, it is here that solitude is gained.

God is in my well, and, that far down, we are all the same. We are all connected. The catacombs of my soul stretch out from my barrel of a chest and into you and yours and through and through and through all life still and reviving and working and plowing.

We are all connected. We are all the same. We are all proof that God truly exists.

For if we all love ourselves, and we are all connected, then we are all one, and we all love ourselves so, so well.

Faith and humility.

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