Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Trees of the Field will Clap their Hands

Bureaucracy. Literally "drawer-cracy." All these drawers, all these litigations and forms and legal proceedings just to get to Jesus.

I thought Christian meant "christ-like?" I thought that to be Christ-like was to act like Christ, going to those exiled by society and showing love and self-sacrifice? When did Christian become pious cliques of white kids in suburbia not reaching out, not getting out of their shell but once a year?

You can't show true love to those you've known. It comes in its form to strangers.

Bureaucracy created churches that I just don't feel comfortable at. Bureaucracy created churches with Jesus as an asterisked footnote. Hype for Jesus. "Who the hell is Jesus? I'm here for the free pizza!"

It's so complex, but I know that I'll figure out how I stand on ministry by the time I get into ministry full time.

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