Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Kvetching towards Nirvana.

Catacomb spread out across Summer's Eve... (Not this one: )

So, okay, have you seen the commercial with Abe Lincoln playing chess with a beaver? Well, as the avid dodger fan that I am, I saw it and instantly thought, "My goodness, that's what Mark Hendrickson does in the offseason! Makes commercials!) Just check out this comparison:

Mark Hendrickson:

And the commercial (I know that by posting it I'm adhering to the ultimate marketing philosophy of "Make it good and the internet will create buzz about your product." Even worse is that it's a freakin' medication... Anyway,):

And, since we're on the topic of Mark Hendrickson, and dabbling in YouTube, here's the video of him falling off the mound earlier this season. Vin Scully said he went down like a giant Redwood tree:

That never gets old... A lot of people dislike him because he's not necessarily a great pitcher... But I've talked about this before with my friend and he think it's because he's trying to be a fastball pitcher when he should be throwing a bunch of offspeed stuff and then surprise the batter with his whopping 88MPH fastball, because, after a 75MPH curve\slider\breaking ball, it looks like a fuckin' 100MPH fireball that came from Zumaya.
(Pay close attention to the pitch-speed in the corner. Goddayum! But then again, he can't field worth a damn... So, take it with a grain of salt.)


If you couldn't tell, I'm bored. It's 1:25 AM, and I have no intention or need of going to bed... I could read the book I'm reading, which has been called the great American novel before, by some dude on the back cover. I just finished reading his Seize the Day, so I'm excited...

I collect books, by the way. I'm that nerdy.

Check out my Last.fm profile, see what I'm listening to, or have been listening to! Ye, ungh, word. Ethnic. World Music.

I need companionship, I am a needy, dependent soul. Will you come home to me one day?

I think Schmuck is a word that isn't used enough these days... As Safran-Foer wrote in his book, Everything is Illuminated:

"Shtetls. A shtetl is like a village." "Why don't you merely dub it a village?" "It's a Jewish word." "A Jewish word?" "Yiddish, like schmuck." "What does it mean schmuck?" "Someone who does something that you don't agree with is a schmuck." "Teach me another." "Putz." "What does that mean?" "It's like schmuck." "Teach me another." ""Schmendrik." "What does that mean?" "It's also like schmuck." "Do you know any words that are not like schmuck?" He pondered for a moment. "Shalom," he said, "which is actually three words, but that's Hebrew, not Yiddish. Everything I can think of is basically schmuck. The Eskimos have 400 words for snow, and the Jews have 400 words for Schmuck." I wondered, what is an Eskimo? (p. 60 of Everything is Illuminated, Jonathan Safran Foer.)

Yea, severely under-rated word... As well as author. Other underrated authors: Bukowski, Rand, AC Grayling, Bellow (why haven't I heard of him until now?!).

I think it's time to seize the motherfuckin' day.

MySpace, to link you back, those who came from there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i collect books.