Sunday, June 10, 2007

Day 15 - Lion's Mane

"and love is a tired symphony
you hum when you're awake
and love is a crying baby
Mama warned you not to shake
And love's the best sensation
hiding in the Lion's Mane."
-Iron and Wine, "Lion's Mane"

The lion, in many common threads and cultures, represents the Christ: wild, courageous, king of the land. The golden lions of The old man and the sea that the titular old man dreamt about were the courageous, golden, coming home.

I like the final line of this stanza for the very reason of what it means to me: that love is within the Lion's Mane--love hanging on like a cub to the mane of the lion. That love is contained and created within Christ is to begin, but you must find love first. And it's hiding in the mane. To be able to touch the mane of a lion, you must know it well, because, otherwise, it will eat you alive (much like religion's scariness). The more you are comfortable with the wild lion, the closer you can get. And only in such closeness with the Father, with the courage and the King, will you be able to even begin to search for the love hiding in the lion's mane. It begins and ends with the Lion. Aslan, all that.

In the end,
"Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." [And love is real.]
1 John 1:9

"Finish it."

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